“GO ZERO – waste management in the food sector”

Project No. 2020-1-TR01-KA202-093424

Project starts: 2020, the 31st of December. It lasts 30 months.

Project ends: 2023, the 30th of June.

Project coordinator: Meilutė Balbieriūtė

The issue of waste management is integral to climate change and sustainable environmental issues. Regulations and practices for waste management in the food sector are a new phenomenon in the European Union, as they have not been addressed and a legal framework has not been established so far. Food waste, together with agricultural waste, was estimated to generate 25% of global carbon dioxide emissions. These figures are constantly changing, making food waste management an important factor in the fight for a clean environment.

Foreign partners from Turkey (3 institutions), Spain (2 institutions), Latvia (Department of Economics, Jelgava University), Great Britain and Italy are participating in this project. The participants of the project will delve into the legal and management framework of waste management and will create as many as 6 intellectual products on the topic of waste management in the food production sector. In the first phase of the project, a group of workers assembled by July, will carry out a study and discuss with an interested local community working in the food production sector.

The aim of the study is to find out what is already developed in Lithuania in waste management in the food sector, what is still missing or not yet present, and what necessities are there to manage food waste. Only after examining the current situation and discussing it with the relevant staff involved in the working groups, will it be possible to draw up a report on waste management in the food sector and present it to the partners

A Comparative Report on European Countries will be produced from all partner reports.

We will inform about the progress of the project and other steps of the project on the KMPPMC website. We invite students, teachers and all other employees to not tolerate littering, to recycle waste at home and at work, not to pollute nature, to use it responsibly (plastic packaging) and to actively participate in waste management campaigns. Go Zero is a movement to reduce waste.